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8.36 O-ring for union (parts)

Available items

ART.code Dia D S Verp
8.36.016 16 15.55 2.62 10 information
8.36.020 20 20.22 3.53 10 information
8.36.025 25 28.17 3.53 10 information
8.36.032 32 32.92 3.53 10 information
8.36.040 40 40.64 5.33 10 information
8.36.050 50 46.99 5.33 10 information
8.36.063 63 59.69 5.33 10 information
8.36.075 75 78.74 5.33 1 information
8.36.090 90 97.79 5.33 1 information

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